Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Trip to the ER & Some More Progress

I did not write about this last time because it was still pretty fresh. March 12th, Aaron called me to say that his heart was beating really fast and that if it did not stop he was going to go to the ER that is across from his office. I started to get the kids ready so that we could meet him there. He called back saying that he was going and that he would let me know if it stopped on his way. I was trying to stay calm but I was a little freaked out. Aaron does not like to go to the doctor so I knew he had to be concerned for him to willing go to not just a doctor but to the ER. Once he is there he finds out that he is having an SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). His heart rate was 230! While the doctor was listening to his heart and his breathing he converted on his own and his heart rate went down to 90. By the time I got there the doctors had drawn blood and we had to wait on the results. Thankfully the ER let me back for a few minutes but I could not stay with him because the kids were with me. Aaron's dad got there and was able to go back and then keep me company and take the kids if Aaron had to stay overnight. Thankfully he got to come home that afternoon. While in the ER he was advised to cut out caffeine and adjust his diet. He followed up with the cardiologist the next day and has been doing well. 

We have both now cut out sodas and have been soda/caffeine free since Friday March 13th. I have also been working hard to not have sweets. I have a major sweet tooth but I have not really felt the cravings. Even at the store I have not been tempted by the candy at the check out line. I bought some sugar free popsicles and I have only had two. Normally if it is in the house I will eat some everyday until it is gone. God is giving me great strength to do this and stick with it this time! We are also eating out less because it just doesn't satisfy us like food from home does and this also helps our budget!

We finally got the elliptical in the house on Sunday! I'm excited to have it in our room and I'm trying to figure out when I want to work out. Aaron has been going in to work early so I have been getting up early so I can get a shower before the kids get up. I will likely work out while the kids are in school or in the afternoons once I pick them up since Molly doesn't go everyday. I have not lost that much weight but I have noticed my clothes fitting differently. I'm hoping to get some of the weight off and then start training for a half marathon. I have been wanting to do one and I think once I get some of the weight off I will feel that it is a goal I can obtain. 

Friday, March 13, 2015


Well the elliptical still is not in our house but between soccer practice and then going to my parents house for part of the kids spring break, we just ran out of time! It is our big goal for the weekend beside just having fun as a family. I'm hoping the weather will be decent so we can go to the playground or go for a bike ride. Our 4.5 year old is doing awesome on two wheels and our 3 year old is learning to balance on a strider bike. Our son learned on it and was riding on two wheels in just a few days. He was older than our daughter when he learned but she is doing great. I'm excited to ride our bikes to take our son to school next year! I love bike rides and I know it will be fun to go for family rides.

I may not have the elliptical inside yet but I am down about 3 pounds. Not huge but it is nice to see the scale going down. I haven't really tried either. No exercise other than chasing kids :)  All I have done is try to eat less and drink more water. Aaron and I are both cutting out sodas so hopefully that will help some too. I did not win the Shakeology giveaway that I had entered but a girl I have been following on Instagram for a year or so decided to do a focus group and I got in! I am getting a months worth of Shakeology for a discounted price for my review. I'm going to be having it for breakfast every morning or lunch if I decide to have a different breakfast. I'm excited to see how it works for me. I also have printed out abs, arms and squat challenges to do along with the elliptical. 

A girl I follow on Instagram uses the hastag operation love yourself. I may have to adopt it and add the hastag teach our daughters to love themselves. I'm doing this for me and my family but most of all I want my kids, especially my daughter to have a positive body image.

Monday, March 2, 2015

A Friendly Family Competition

After my last post my brother-in-law Andrew approached me about a competition. It is a couples competition with my me and my husband as a team and Andrew and his girlfriend Janet as a team. Below are the terms:

Starts March 1st and ends October 1st
Weights are combined per couple so that individual weights are not know
The couple that looses the most weight gets a kid free dinner on the losers dime. 

That is it! Nice and simple.  We were not all that sure about doing it at first but decided we did not have any thing to loose except weight!  I also figured that the desire to beat his brother would help drive Aaron as well as me. We are about to get the elliptical in our room and I have printed off several elliptical workouts. I have also printed off a squat challenge for me to start in the morning. Sorry Andrew but we are going to beat you!!!

I also had a friend from high school contact me after reading my other posts about becoming a beachbody coach. I have been curious about Shakeology and recently entered a give away for a few packs. I told her that being a coach had not crossed my mind because of the weight I have to loose.  She said it could be a plus because I am going through it with those I would be coaching.  I am not sure about it just yet but it is something that I am going to consider.  Being able to help others would be awesome and the possibility of bringing in a little money is great too.

Tomorrow will be day one of the squat challenge and hopefully the elliptical will be in the house on Wednesday!